Enlisting Into The National Guard

A little late blog, but I have recently enlisted into The National Guard this month; November 3rd, 2015. I never thought I would be here today saying that, but life is a wild ride!

It all started out with an Email from a recruiter. It caught my attention immediately. I thought of it as an opportunity that I could not pass up. So then, I call up the recruiter with no hesitation and got an appointment set up with him! We talked and I told him that I would like to join the Guard!

I did all my paperwork I had to complete, then finally got my night at the hotel set up so I could go to MEPS the next morning to complete my physical and take my oath! Didn’t get much sleep that night, but ask anyone else who went through it and they would say the same!

It was a cool experience, met a lot of people (most of them were shipping out the next morning), did my physical along with a bunch of other examinations and tests, and swore in later that afternoon. That’s it!

I am enlisted into The National Guard and leave for OSUT on February 1st, 2016. Excited I am, but also a little anxious and nervous! This will change me, but only for the better! I want to be the best I can be. I want to make the United States proud. I want to be an inspiration and a leader to others.

If you want something in life, set your mind to it and accomplish it. Don’t think about it, do it. If you have any questions, leave a comment below and I will get back with you! 😀
